A Quiet Goodnight #3

(originally written 3/18/2020)

Goodnight everybody
You survived today
You’ll most likely survive tomorrow.

Breath in
Hold it
Now breath out
This new temporary normal

Isn’t as bad as you thought
Now is it?
Sure it sucks, but you’ve survived the first few days.
Now, just keep going

Did you remember to brush your teeth?
Take your meds?
Drink water?
The world is a bit crazy now, but don’t neglect the basics.

I have ADHD and I spend a lot of time in doorways going
What did I forget to do?

Breath in
Hold it
Breath out

What did you forget to do?
Do that now.

A Quiet Goodnight #2

Originally written 3/17/2020

Goodnight Y’all
You survived today.
You, most likely, will survive tomorrow

Today wasn’t what you expected it would be last week
Tomorrow won’t be either
Sometimes we are so overworked and over-planned, that we forget life is a constant state of change.
Sometimes a ripple
Others a tsunami wave.

In these times I’m reminded of the words of Octavia Butler from her Parable series.
“All that you touch
You Change.
All that you Change
Changes you.
The only lasting truth
Is Change…”

So keep calm, persevere, and hopefully on the other side of this change we’ll all be stronger, more compassionate, and ready for the next challenge.

Life Sentence

September 16, 2020

They were higher evolved now
Capital punishment
no longer existed
But providing a lifetime of care
and incarceration
felt financially frivolous
and a waste of resources
living for the criminal
didn’t feel like justice
for the dead
So they removed him from life
frozen in time
125 years
Every life
he could have possibly known
would be gone

That’s why she worked tirelessly
neural networks
Despite everything
he was her life
and she would be there
when he returned